Frequently Asked Questions and Additional Information

Where is Poplar Storage Located? 

How far in advance can I reserve a unit?

We do not reserve units. Our units are on a first come, first serve basis. The day you rent is the day your lease begins.

Do I have to sign a lease or can I rent a unit on a month-to-month basis?

Our leases are on a month-to-month basis and do require an application and acknowledgement of agreement upon renting.

What notice is required before I move out?

We require 30 days of notice. You must sweep out and remove your personal lock from your unit. If you have recurring billing, your payment will be automatically taken from your account every month until stopped. If unit is not cleaned, it will be subject to fine.

What are the days and hours that I may access my storage unit?

24 hours, 7 days a week. 

Contact Us

Storage Location:
5083 Highway 701 N 
Conway, SC 29526

Phone: (843) 488-5224

Fax: (843) 488-5559

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